quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012

A different way of producing

Um jeito diferente de produzir A different way of producing


 Scene & The Tale Theatre of Rio de Janeiro, with the direction of S Gisele Lemos, works for the child.

The first performance of the Group in 1995 and spoke about three Microorganimos:

 The "Estractalacting, Blum & Blom,"

Staged at the Museum of Science and Home Theatre in Mount Sinai

It showed the option of concepts such as sustainability and recycling.
The setting of the play was produced with garbage clean.

Today, the concepts flow and Tale & Cena, works with the production of books made of PET
in partnership with Pique-Brinque

All our books come with CD and dedoches.

And Webbing Story with songs, offer maximum
100 population products.

We sell them as if they were objects of ART.

That's our idea and the proposed social.

One way of thinking about consumption, and being different.

We believe in less consumerist society, and  the optimization of product, our productions are limited.

The idea is to always produce differentiated products such tales, stories and songs.

We value the concept of mutability and

And as in life, we are building and living in a dynamic way.

The transformations are constant, social and environmental.

Changing urban spaces, concepts, friends and everything becomes daily.

 Under our respect for life, the environment and the daily contact with ethics.

There is space for everyone.

 "Idealizing philosophy SOL, where we follow the concept of five professions at the same time.

Against the tide

We believe that we are special and we are part of a whole,

And we have the experience in various forms of doing,

And therefore, deserve the opportunity to live the whole and the parts. '

 "I do believe that the nut, put the screw, making the frame of the picture and puts it on the wall, and I'm the artist's work."

-This is the life that I believe.

 Check out our work:

"The Golden Lion Tamarin and Maritacas Razzberry".




I appreciate the opportunity and desire to be part of your life. Sharing with you my ideas and products.

Get our products and order by mail:


Gisele Lemos S

Psychologist, Psicomotricita, Professor of Music, Theatre, Writer.

Author of Game Biology of Love?! Education for sexuality, produced by Ludens Spirit.

(Photo intertwining songs the Forest Gardens UFMG, MG)

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